Woodstein Media Podcast Episode 14: Garth Mullins talks overdose crisis, safe drug supply, defunding the police, starting drug activist groups, and more

On episode 14, Garth Mullins, host of the award-winning Crackdown podcast, drew on his experience as a drug user and activist to discuss harm reduction and the overdose crisis, the challenge of distributing a safe unadulterated drug supply, defunding the police, the positives and negatives of British Columbia’s decriminalization pilot, starting a grassroots drug user activist group, and his new band Low Dead Space.

Woodstein Media Podcast Episode Six: It Takes a Village

Episode six features a conversation with Andrea Charest, Executive Director of It Takes a Village in Listowel, Ontario. It Takes a Village is a people-oriented, money-free, shop and social initiative offering community members support with food security, access to resources,  and assistance navigating systems such as court appointments, housing, and government support with a focus on being a welcoming and inclusive place to belong.