Woodstein Media Podcast Episode Four: Jillian Clair confesses MVLL CRIMES

On episode four, Jillian Clair, singer for MVLL CRIMES, talks about the release of their 12″ EP “YOU EMBVRRVSS ME” on Cursed Blessings Records, her day job dealing with Freedom of Information requests for the City of London, the need for punks to get involved in municipal politics, zines, the lack of all-ages venues in many music scenes, many bands currently active in Ontario, and much more.

Woodstein Media Podcast Episode Three: Drug User Liberation Front co-founder Eris Nyx discusses distribution of clean drugs

On episode three of the Woodstein Media Podcast, Eris Nyx, co-founder of the Drug User Liberation Front (DULF), talks about the episodic compassion club actions being done in Vancouver to make sure drug users have a safe, clean supply of drugs to prevent overdoses, changes she would like to see implemented regarding public education surrounding drug use, and the aesthetics of  DULF.

Woodstein Media Podcast episode one: Joe Amero talks harm reduction

Joe Amero, a social worker in the Toronto shelter system, discusses his history of drug use and harm reduction. Joe discusses how his brother Harry’s overdose affected his family and how he dealt with his feeling through a one-person show he wrote titled Blood, the Drug User Liberation Front’s compassion club actions where they distribute a clean supply of drugs to help stop overdoses due to drugs contaminated with Fentanyl, Drugs! The Musical, the Telethon! and songs by Hobo Banditos, the Hip Hop band he and Harry were in.